Upgrading Asterisk 18 for Ubuntu on Oracle
With special thanks to Josh Colp, kenn10, and ostridge, we are pleased to provide an upgrade script for Incredible PBX 2021 that upgrades your server to the latest Asterisk 18 release. Any Asterisk 18 bugs should be reported to issues.asterisk.org. Login to your server as root and issue the following commands:
cd /root
wget http://incrediblepbx.com/upgrade-asterisk18-oracle.tar.gz
tar zxvf upgrade-asterisk18-oracle.tar.gz
rm -f upgrade-asterisk18-oracle.tar.gz
chattr -i /etc/pbx/.updateDEB22
rm -f /etc/pbx/.updateDEB22
Log out and back in to run Automatic Upgrade Utility to reinstall OPUS codec.